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The World Economic Forum and the Joint Centre for Public-Private Partnerships to Collaborate on Best Practices for PPPs to Improve Healthcare Access

The Joint Centre for Public-Private Partnerships at UCL is pleased to announce a major new collaboration with the World Economic Forum. As one of our first major initiatives since our formation several weeks ago, the Joint Centre is partnering with the Forum to develop and refine a set of best practices for cross-sector collaboration in expanding healthcare […]

PPPI and UCL, The Bartlett to Found Joint Centre for Global Infrastructure Policy

Today’s ministries of health face a host of complex, costly challenges. Around the world non-communicable diseases, aging populations, and COVID-19 threaten to strain existing healthcare structures, overwhelm national healthcare budgets, and outpace existing infrastructural capacity. These crises have pushed healthcare systems to a breaking point, and—with the possible exception of COVID-19—only stand to become more […]

National University of Singapore School of Public Health and PPPI Co-Host E-Workshop, “Introduction to PPPs in Healthcare.”​

COVID-19 has presented institutions of higher learning with a difficult challenge: how to educate students from a distance. With all the videoconferencing tools at our disposal these days, this might seem—at first—like an easy task. But as I have learned through years of experience in graduate and executive education, the intimacy and interactivity of the […]

Using Partnerships to Combat Major Health Crises: An Update on the PPP Initiative

Since my last update on the PPP Initiative (PPPI), the world’s healthcare landscape has changed dramatically. Covid-19 has upended our daily lives, strained the world’s healthcare systems, and exacerbated existing healthcare crises like non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and aging populations. But as the healthcare landscape has changed, so too has the conversation surrounding healthcare public-private partnerships […]

US Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs Publishes “PPP Government Guide: Designing Healthcare Solutions with PPPs.”

After nearly a year in development, PPPI’s latest core curriculum document, the PPP Government Guide: Designing Healthcare Solutions with PPPs is available on the website of the Office of Global Affairs (OGA), US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). To read the Guide please visit the OGA website.